Our team - Karen McNeilly

Barrister & Solicitor

Langley Lawyer




Legal Education and Experience

  • UBC Faculty of Law
  • Practising Family Law since 1997

Professional Affiliations and Achievements

  • Member in good standing of the Law Society of British Columbia


  • Focus on alternate dispute resolution including resolving matters through separation agreement and mediation



  • Karen grew up in Richmond, BC, and attended law school at the University of British Columbia.
  • After completing university, she migrated east to the Fraser Valley where she raised her two children.
  • Karen has practiced Family Law since 1997,  appearing in all levels of court in British Columbia.
  • Karen’s practice focuses on Alternate Dispute Resolution including resolving matters through separation agreements and mediation, however, she does not shy from taking a complex case to trial when necessary.
  • When not in the office Karen can be found wandering the forests of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island geocaching.